African Great Lakes Initiative Documentary and Fundraising Video

22 01 2009

I am very excited to announce that Corduroy Media will be producing a short documentary and fund raising video for The African Great Lakes Initiative in Kenya, Africa this August. As one of the Friends Peace Teams projects, the initiative teaches individuals and groups in conflict how to come to resolution non-violently. Using the Alternatives to Violence Project developed by New York Quakers in 1975 the initiative has programs in five African countries.

In 2007 Kenya erupted into ethnic violence after President Mwai Kibaki was sworn into office after a disputed election.  The government has estimated that over 500 people have been killed, over half being youth shot by police. Post-election violence has pitted the Kikuyu ethnic group, who’s members support Kibaki, against the Luo, the Luhya, and the Kalenjin, who support the opposition candidate, Raila Odinga. While the ethnic violence has intensified since the election in December of 2007, it can be traced to the beginning of British colonialism in the early 20th century.

We, Carl D. Brown and Gehry Oatey, will spend a month in Kenya with AGLI volunteer, Ann Dusseau, documenting Kenyan youth participating in and facilitating the AVP workshops. Over the next 6 months we will be researching the history of violence in Kenya and what solutions are offered by AGLI. I will continue to post updates about this exciting projects as details develop.

Carl D. Brown

Executive Director, Corduroy Media